Your Dreams in Wood by James Lukow
The source for your artisan crafted modern heirlooms and unique gifts.
Know what you're buying . . .
An educated consumer is our best client . . .
Know your craftsman . . .
Hopefully you can see that I am a passionate Canadian artisan, and here to the right is my shop and below it how you will find me at a craft show. ->
Other makers may be unknowns . . .
Some artisans go by general reputations - their trade, or a tradition. He's a carpenter therefore he can build furniture, or
Its made by the Amish / Mennonite. They are fine craftsmen, and if anyone tells you they use no machinery then this could be wrong. Their shops often use hydraulic / air powered machines, whose power often comes from a stationary diesel engine. ( A Popular mechanics article talking about this . . . )
Some would say power tools / machinery aren't the realm of the craftsman / artisan, and would be bad . . .
Some antique furniture was machine made . . .
The Shakers were at the forefront of their era's technology using water powered mills.Do we question their craftsman ship? ( A Fine Woodworking article on a shaker furniture shop . . . )
Modern artisan furniture often is made with power tools,but then its not about tools. Craftsmanship is about the process, skills, material and creativity.
Wood is grown not manufactured . . .
Why material is important . . .
To often furniture is made from MDF or particle board (often called "manufactured wood" ). When is is damaged it may not be readily repaired, leading to it becoming landfill. This material allows thousands of identical pieces to be shipped in a neat package, for mass purchase. Often when MDF and particle board are exposed to water they disintegrate, and they off gas the urea-formaldehyde glue holding the fibers together - into the home. I believe these sheet goods are best used for things other than quality furniture.
( An article on Realtor.com about mdf . . . )
If a sheet good is required for a design then I use cabinet grade veneer core plywood - like Baltic birch plywood - a stronger and more stable material. Made up of many thin layers of solid wood.
Solid wood is easier to repair, lasts longer, resists water, and generally more resilient.
I only use North American species of wood, but preferably Canadian, and local if possible. These woods are harvested with better forestry practices and employ Canadians in that industry. This also translates into the support of local suppliers.
On exotics / off shore species . . .
If the origin of a big box piece is foreign and covered with a veneer - do we know what that species of hardwood it really is and how it was harvested?
Often exotics are falsely named for what they look like - Brazilian cherry is not cherry, it is Jatoba.
( An article from the Wood-database .com talking about this . . .)
Using veneer can give a piece a certain look - often a look like all the others in the stores. Veneer was used in antique and vintage fine furniture, but much thicker. When thinking about a veneered piece, you can ask your self, "Is the construction being covered by the veneer to hide the quality?" Many veneers used currently are very thin and not as durable, some are even printed on paper.
Please . . .
Consider a piece made of solid wood. A piece whose beauty comes with it being solid wood. Its beauty created by nature. The satisfaction of knowing that the piece supports Canadians on all levels, can enhance its beauty.
To see my suppliers and firms you support through me, click below . . . .